BroadwayScrunchies is a small business created by Emily Orlich. After having the business for nearly 2 years, she has close to 400 sales on her Etsy. It doesn’t stop there, she has sold scrunchies at huge Broadway events like Broadwaycon and Broadway Flea Market! Pretty impressive, right? She’s done all that at only 18! I was able to ask her a few questions about Broadway, starting a business, and any advice she has for people wanting to start one.
Has Broadway always been a big part of your life? What is your “theatre love story”?
I first got into musical theatre in 2nd grade when my mom took me to “Freckle Face Strawberry” the musical at some local theatre. I loved it but I didn’t really figure out just how much I loved it till 2 years later when I started doing acting classes after school, from there I kept doing after school plays until i was around 14. I eventually discovered that I didn’t like performing very much and that I have way more fun watching from the audience!
What inspired you to start your business?
I wouldn’t say anything really inspired me? I had the idea, figured out if someone had already done it, & when I found out that nobody had I decided to do it myself! I definitely looked up to (and still look up to) Broadway Bowtique.
What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from having a business?
I think I have two most valuable things I learned from buisness. The first one is that nobody became successful over night. Getting my shop to be where it is now took A LOT longer than I thought it would. The first couple months I had in total around 25 orders. I had to build up my reputation and get the word out. I didn’t realize how long it would take but i think it’s an important lesson. The second thing is that you can truly do anything you put your mind to. When I started this buisness I didn’t even know how to sew. I put my mind to it and I worked harder than I’ve ever worked and I accomplished my goals!
Do you have any long term goals for your business? Or are you just taking it day by day?
I’m mostly just taking it day by day! I don’t know what the future holds but I can’t wait to see what it has in store for my shop!
Having a business at 18 is really impressive! Do you have any advice for people wanting to start a business?
First off, come up with your own idea! Doing what someone else has done is offensive to them and it will just make other people upset. Second work hard and have patience! Most shops that fail fail because they don’t have the stamina to get through the first couple of hard months. Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out to other shops for help! The etsy / small business community is SO sweet and everyone wants to help! I’ve made some of my best friends through asking for help! Good Luck!
Thank you, Emily, for taking the time to answer these questions! Make sure to check her out on Instagram @BroadwayScrunchies and on Etsy!